Saturday, January 29, 2011

40?? You're catching up to me!

Julie,Julie,Julie do ya love me?? (even though you are too young to know that am I..)-- 'Cause I sure do love you! As you know you are one of my favorite people!  And we have had lots of fun times and memories made along the way!  Whenever I see/go to Red Robin-- I think of my Red Robin buddy, Miss Julie!...whenever I invent my wedding/venue/catering--(that's you)-- imaginary business-- I think of you....whenever I am trying a new recipe from my internet favorite cooks--I think of you...(but yours would turn out better)...It has been my pleasure and privilege to be your activity days and YW buddy and to get to enjoy your adorable family along the way!  You are a wonderful friend and I know this is corny but such a good example to me of serenity, graciousness, discretion, and tact. I am grateful for you in my life, and as my eternal friend...which sounds spiritual but it's so you can put in a good word...HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!
 love, Kim & Crew

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