Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crossing Paths


A little over ten years ago, our paths crossed for the first time in the Relief Society room.  Jacob (your 4th) was a itty-bitty and Seth (my 3rd) was still in utero, giving my body such fits that I swore he would be the last. Since then:
  • You’ve had 2 more kids making a grand total of 6 (in case you lost track).
  • I came in right behind you with a total of 5 (that’s what I get for swearing).
  • Kirsten gave Ashley Monkey Bar Lessons on the kindergarten playground, resulting in a broken arm for Ashley and NO MORE lessons from Kirsten (at least no more Monkey Bar Lessons….).
  • Our boys have played with cars, Legos, Wii, in the mud (which has subsequently been brought into the house), at the park, in the sprinklers, in the pool, will soon be hugging the walls at the stake dances.
  • Our girls have played dress up and Barbie, sang and laughed, talked about boys, shopped, styled each other’s hair, applied each other’s makeup, made music videos, peeled the boys from off the walls at stake dances to dance with.
  • Our families vacationed in Galveston – built sand castles, collected & counted shells, rode the ferry, played games, watched movies, made memories.
  • Jeff & I met up with you, Erik, and tiny little Mason in the middle of Playa del Carmen Mexico during a torrential rainstorm.  After the rain let up, we had a fantastic time at the resort ordering unlimited Virgin Pina Coladas and being entertained by singers with heavy Spanish accents.
  • Hundreds of other experiences & memories - a book couldn’t hold them all.
More important are the things I can’t put in a bulleted list, things of the heart and soul.  You have been with me through laughter, diapers, craziness, lunches, spinning classes (well, just one – and your backside regretted that for a week!), hormone malfunctions, and lots and lots of Kleenexes. 

You listen to me when I’m mad enough to spit, when I’m sad enough to want to curl up in bed and nibble on chocolate, when I’m standing on the edge of the cliff about to jump.  Then you say exactly what needs to be said so that I don’t spit, I don’t curl up in bed (but I still nibble on chocolate – there are times when chocolate simply must be nibbled on), and, most importantly, I don’t jump off that cliff.

I like to think that it was no coincidence that our paths crossed in that Relief Society room all those years ago.  I will forever be grateful that they crossed and have merged.

For your listening ear, for your kind heart, for your excellent advice and judgment, for your ever constant friendship in the face of my ever changing craziness, I thank you.   

And I’ll love you - like a sister - forever.  Susie

Oh, and Happy 40th!  You look way too young to be 40 (or to have 6 kids)!!

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