Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy BDay Kid...


Happy happy birthday!!! Turning 40 is so awesome, I can't wait to do it in 2 years. Congratulations on making it this far. I've always wondered what it would be like to be as old as you are. You seem so wise and weathered. Do you even remember what it's like to be 38 like me? I hope so. I never want to forget.

Just joshin ya. I think this blog idea is a great one, and I'm glad I had the chance to pop on here and tell you how awesome you are. The Egans have always been family to me, and you immediately settled in for me as part of that. Yeah, Ben is "technically" my best friend (love ya Ben!), but I tell ya, I can't think of many things in this life I enjoy more than sitting down and talking to you and Erik. I'd give away one of my kids (no, really, who wants one?) if you guys could move back to Utah.

You're awesome, Julie, and I'm so glad Erik found you. You are an amazing person who has raised an amazing family and I'm honored to be your friend. May the next 40 be as great as your first 40!!!

Happy birthday and we love you.

Jamestown Dashner

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