Thursday, February 17, 2011

HBD (belated)!

Hi Julie,

Happy (ahem... belated) birthday!* I hope it was such a terrific day for you, full of celebration and love, and that your year will appropriately follow suit! I think you're tops -- an attentive and thoughtful mother, an inclusive and peaceful friend, a fun and fun-loving gal! 

One memory I have of you, that so perfectly illustrates who you are, is the day that Connor was sealed to Ben, Holly & Taylor. I was stuck in Bob & Kathy's basement with a screaming baby Catherine and was missing lunch and fun with the enormous & friendly crowd that's synonymous with Egans. I just figured I'd grab some leftovers whenever I made it upstairs, but no! -- despite having six children and yourself to think of and feed, you also thought of me and brought me a plate... and sat and chatted at length. So generous and kind, and I've loved you ever since.

You have a steady disposition, a peaceful character and a happy personality. Perfection!

Love to you from Orem, in this and all your coming years,
Hadley Duncan Howard, et al

*I just found Erik's email this evening on our old AOL account that we only ever use to track packages! Sorry we missed the deadline!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What. A. Surprise. Thank you so much to Susie and Erik for doing this. It's definitely something I'll treasure forever.

I am so honored and humbled by all of the kind words and wonderful birthday wishes. I laughed and cried over these posts and truly enjoyed remembering so many memories. Each one of you has a special place in my heart, whether I've known you for four years or forty. Thank you for being a part of MY life and making me a better person. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

I'm so sorry this is late. I don't check my facebook account very often.

I love this idea! I enjoyed reading all the blogs from everyone in your life. Julie, you are so loved! I remember that about you. You were always so sweet to everyone around you. You have had some great experiences in your 40 years of life!

We spent such a short time together-just one year at BYU. But so much happened in that year it seemed like longer. I don't have many memories to add to what has already been mentioned by all of our other roommates. And since you continued to room with them after your freshman year, you have so many more memories shared with them. So I will just add a few pictures to go with those memories:

BYU Preference 1989. Can any of us remember the names of the guys we went with? I can remember how we asked Krissy's date who "will not be named", though...
 This was mentioned in Krissy's blog. We "helped" her ask her date to preference with a rap she wrote.
Nice outfits...and see the "guns"?
 BYU Preference 1990. I don't remember the name of the guy...I just remember that because of him I owed ice cream to the whole apartment-vanilla ice cream, but ice cream no less! ;)

Getting a final hug from my FHE dad before the end of the school year...I was so surprised when I found out "dad" and "mom" finally got married!!! =)

I remember you and Heidi coming home from your roadtrip to WV with 2 Flying J tavel mugs. But they were no longer Flying J mugs, they were Flying Julie Jarvis mugs. Now everytime I see a flying J I think of you and those mugs!

I am so glad we reconnected with facebook! It was great seeing you when you came out to visit your parents. Have a wonderful birthday!

With Love,
Leyla (Baxter) Williams

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bermuda 2005
This had been a most enjoyable and uplifting project, to invite your friends and family to share their feelings, memories, photos and birthday greetings as you turn 40.  I have to give Susie credit for coming up with the idea and creating and maintaining the blog.  My role was to invite and encourage people to participate.  The final product is an impressive collection of tributes.

What I didn’t anticipate is the way the many tributes and memories have moved me, reminded me why I was attracted to you in the first place and once again confirmed the wisdom of my decision to marry you.  My hope is that reading these postings will bring back fond memories and help you realize what a significant impact you have had on many, many people, including me.  As you encounter discouraging moments ahead, you can remember or re-read these postings and be uplifted.

We have known each other for nearly 22 of your 40 years and been married for almost 18 of those years.  I have always admired your calm demeanor and your ability to just be yourself.  There is never any pretense or guile.  You have strong opinions but you respect the right of others to believe otherwise and you are a natural peacemaker.  I hope some of those qualities have rubbed off on me.

Over the years, you have demonstrated your abundant love, support and loyalty to me.  I am not aware of even one time that you have complained about my work commitments and travel or my callings at church, all of which have often taken me away from the family.  Because of this, I am able to work, travel and serve with focus and a calm mind, knowing that you are supportive rather than resentful.  That is a priceless gift to me.

Among the themes repeated in this blog is the wonderful mother you are, and I agree.  I know you don’t always feel so wonderful, but the truth is that you put your heart and soul into your role as a mother.  I appreciate the way you teach our children to love to cook, the way you seem to find time to spend time with each child and the way you support the kids in their many activities.  The children love you and trust you.  Most importantly, they know you love the Lord and they see your testimony in action as you serve others.

I could write plenty more about how much you mean to me…but I won’t right here.  I love you and I am grateful you are mine for eternity!!


On our honeymoon at DisneyWorld in 1993

Celebrating your 30th birthday at The French Room restaurant in downtown Dallas

Hanalei Valley on Kauai, Hawaii - 2005

YW Camp with Amanda & Ashley - 2009
Washington DC Temple 2009
In NYC, September 2009
On the BYU campus - 2008
Back at BYU in 2010

 After our first 5k in 2009

To the best mother ever...

Dear Madre,

I just have to tell you how totally incredible you are!! You do so much for me and you are always so supportive of me, especially with all my crazy choir stuff I've had throughout the past 6 months! It's so great to know that you will always be there for me and that I can count on you to help me through all the hard things in my life. You are a patient, loving, kind, beautiful, caring, talented, considerate, wonderful, creative, fun, awesome, amazing person!! You are a wonderful mother, and I am so privledged to have you as MY mom! I have enjoyed my 16 3/4 years of my life with you and I know I will enjoy many more! I hope this next year of your life is great, because you deserve it, 100%! I love you so much, mi madre favorita!


Amanda, the girl that made you a mother. : )

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You're not forty; you're thirty with ten years of experience!

 Dear Julie,

You are truly an amazing woman and I count myself so fortunate to be your friend.  Thank you for your kindness.  Thank you for your friendship.  Thank you for your happy personality.  Thank you for your amazing children.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.  Thank you for your positivity (I've always wanted to use that word!)  Thank you for your acceptance.  Thank you for your ability to make things better and brighter.  Thank you for being an example of what is good and right.  Thank you for attitude.  Thank you for all that you do. You are fantastic.
Love, Jenny
October 2008 - Norton Farewell Party
Bella, Shawn and Ella (May '08)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday my Roommate with no Shoes

Oh the fun we had mocking West Virginia!!!  I can't believe that we are 40!!  So mature...right?  I think I am less mature now than I thought I was in college.  I got into my crawl space in my basement so that I could drag out these photos for you to enjoy on your birthday. I can't believe it has been so long since I have seen you.  It is about time we thought of doing a reunion with Heidi, Krissy and Karlee.  That would be so fun!!  I hope you day has been wonderful.  I especially enjoyed the calculus picture.  I remember that night.  You were SO funny!  But I don't remember why we set up the bed in the kitchen.  Was it to make room for the Wendy's garbage can??  Have a great birthday!!  Love Mindy (Anderson) Linderman