Thursday, February 17, 2011

HBD (belated)!

Hi Julie,

Happy (ahem... belated) birthday!* I hope it was such a terrific day for you, full of celebration and love, and that your year will appropriately follow suit! I think you're tops -- an attentive and thoughtful mother, an inclusive and peaceful friend, a fun and fun-loving gal! 

One memory I have of you, that so perfectly illustrates who you are, is the day that Connor was sealed to Ben, Holly & Taylor. I was stuck in Bob & Kathy's basement with a screaming baby Catherine and was missing lunch and fun with the enormous & friendly crowd that's synonymous with Egans. I just figured I'd grab some leftovers whenever I made it upstairs, but no! -- despite having six children and yourself to think of and feed, you also thought of me and brought me a plate... and sat and chatted at length. So generous and kind, and I've loved you ever since.

You have a steady disposition, a peaceful character and a happy personality. Perfection!

Love to you from Orem, in this and all your coming years,
Hadley Duncan Howard, et al

*I just found Erik's email this evening on our old AOL account that we only ever use to track packages! Sorry we missed the deadline!

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