Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday my Roommate with no Shoes

Oh the fun we had mocking West Virginia!!!  I can't believe that we are 40!!  So mature...right?  I think I am less mature now than I thought I was in college.  I got into my crawl space in my basement so that I could drag out these photos for you to enjoy on your birthday. I can't believe it has been so long since I have seen you.  It is about time we thought of doing a reunion with Heidi, Krissy and Karlee.  That would be so fun!!  I hope you day has been wonderful.  I especially enjoyed the calculus picture.  I remember that night.  You were SO funny!  But I don't remember why we set up the bed in the kitchen.  Was it to make room for the Wendy's garbage can??  Have a great birthday!!  Love Mindy (Anderson) Linderman

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