Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

Where to begin?  You have been one of my favorite people since I first met you when you came to my house to welcome me to the ward... you were the Relief Society Secretary and you had 2 year old little Jacob come along with you.  You warned me when he started to play with Andrew, "he has an older brother so he likes to play rough."  If I only knew that I would be saying that to so many people some day too!  Where did the time go?

Things I love about Julie:

I love being your friend.

I love living close by and knowing that I have a friend who would help me out whenever I called.

I love that you trust me to have your house key when you go out of town.

I love that you ask me to check for packages on your front step... I feel important :)

I love sharing books with you... well actually I love just borrowing your books :)

I love having Christmas tree ornaments on my tree with your name on them.

I love serving in church with you.  You are so organized and responsible and have great ideas.  You make service easy!

I love sharing meals together... I love getting together and having family time together.

I love it when you brought me dinner after I had a baby, or when I didn't have a kitchen, or when I was sick..., eating your food is like a little piece of heaven on earth.

I love swimming at the pool together with our kids in the summer.

I love carpooling for preschool together and I love it when Blake (or any of my kids) come to play at your house.  I know they are well taken care of and I know that they are HAPPY and loving life when they are in your home.

I love the Quilt you made for Brooklyn... the love and friendship that was put into that quilt means the world to me.

You are such a great example of a loving mother, devoted wife, and fun sister.  You and Eric are such an influence for good to our family.  You have so many great talents and use them to better those around you. I really look up to you in so many ways.  Thank you for your kindness and service to me and my family over these past 8 1/2 years.  We love you and look forward to many more years of friendship!  Happy Birthday!

Juliana, Todd and the Salway kids

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