Thursday, February 10, 2011

You're So Dang Creative, Julie!

To Our Sister Julie–

Happy Fortieth Birthday, Julie! Take this day for yourself – No worries, I already worked it out with Erik. You're good to go wild and do whatever you want – shopping, mani/pedi, massage, golfing, skydiving, whatever. This is your day, go nuts!

Where do we even start to talk about how awesome you are? For starters, you've been my sister for as long as I can remember. I've known you since I was what, four? So it's always just been natural. You practically raised me, and I've turned out alright I guess, so that speaks volumes to your character. 

Memories... I'm just going to avalanche some your way: 
  • Coining the phrase "you're so dang creative, Julie!" while dyeing Easter eggs at the Easter Cabin.
  • Sitting at Taco Bell and telling you that the Doctor had called to inform me you were pregnant (which turned out to be true!). 
  • Leaving Betsy & Klint's wedding reception and you making me spit out my Wint-O-Green Lifesaver candy because the smell was making you sick... come to find out you were pregnant, and just hadn't announced it yet. I was too young to see that as a clue.
  • *Supposedly* being grossed out in the Smith's parking lot when you informed me that babies are delivered out of a woman's "crotch" (Is that inappropriate for this medium? Sorry).
  • The Chandler, AZ summer where I practically lived with you guys for a month. 
  • We'll never forget when we were at y'alls place for Thanksgiving when Kelsey received the phone call letting her know she had been cast on a little TV show called Next Food Network Star. We can trace all of her success right back to your kitchen.
  • Kelsey & I hanging out with you & Erik here in the Big Apple! (When are you coming back for round two?)
  • And finally, you being the kindest, most considerate and fun sister-in-law that a little brother-in-law could ask for. And I really mean that. 
Happy Birthday Julie! We love and look up to you & your family so much. Thanks for just being you. 

Robby & Kelsey

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