Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank You for your Great Example

Dear Julie,
Happy 40th Birthday!  You're the first (besides Kathy and me) to turn 40 in our family, and that means we've known you more than half your life!  I want to take this opportunity to express my love and personal thanks to you for the great example you, and Erik, have set for all our children and their families. You were the best thing that could have happened to our family when our family expanded from the nine of us in the bloodline by adding you as our tenth family member.  We have never considered you as anything but a daughter, and now that we have become a family of 43, it's easy to see the great  influence you have personally had on all seven of our children, all six of the other" in-law" sons and daughters, all 27 of our grandchildren and on Kathy and me personally.  Thank you for who you are and for your great example, and Happy Birthday!  We all love you!
Bob Egan

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