Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

First of all, is that picture up there of Mason with a wig in a vintage 70’s dress?  Wow!  I can’t believe how much he looks like you!

Second of all, Happy 40th Birthday!  

It’s hard to believe that we’ve known each other over half our lives!  When we met, I was an eighth grader at the height of my insecurities and obnoxiousness.  With most of my brothers friends, I had always been treated as the annoying little sister (with good reason), but you “cool college girls” treated me as a friend.  I've always appreciated that.  You and Heidi were the best babysitters ever.  I actually don’t remember anything we did (or did not do), but you guys were awesome.  The night of the big snow will always be a happy memory for me.  

It came as no surprise that Erik proposed to you, and it was the most natural thing in the world to have you as our new sister.  You two are perfect mates. Being a few years behind you in getting married and having kids, you have always been a wonderful example of a wife and mother for me to look up to.  I did everything that you and Emily said to do when I had Kate, and she has, so far, done pretty well, so chalk one up there, too.  ;)

I’ve sure enjoyed having you as a sister and friend for the past 17 (!!) years.  We have had a lot of fun times together -- talking, cooking, eating, shopping, laughing.  You are a loving, compassionate and honest person who has a sincere desire to always do what is right.  And, you’re the only one who will clean out the turkey.  And, you've got the sweet skating skills.  Where would we be without you?  You're so much fun!

Thanks for being you.  I love you! 

Happy Birthday!

Love, Betsy

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