Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

I met you and church but got to know you for the first time at Lindsey's Birthday party.  That's also the first time our little "Snow White" and "Dorothy" first got to know each other and have become wonderful friends!

As I was thinking about you I remembered the many, many presidency meetings we have been to together.  It was fun serving with you in the Relief Society presidency.  Remember your's and Sarah's birthdays were one day apart and so were mine and Donna's?  Then we were destined to serve together again in Young Women's.  Fun times!

Most of all, I'm thankful to have you for a friend!  I'm glad we even live a little closer to each other now.  I love all the fun we have at book club each month. I had a really nice time crafting with you and Holly earlier this week and look forward to more.

Thanks for being such a wonderful woman and friend.


Sharon Johnson

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