Thursday, February 10, 2011

HaPpY 40tH bIrThDaY JuLiE!!!

Hey Julie, it has been a long time.  Happy 40th.  I searched my photo albums and came upon these pictures - some I don't even remember.  I guess that's what happens when you get older - your mind fades.  J/K

Here we are at a football game (BYU vs USU) back in 1991.

Do you remember the dresses we made for Kim & Rick's wedding?

The informal bridesmaids.

And lastly, I don't remember this, but evidently we went to Yuba Lake sometime.  Do you remember that?

Well, I hope your mind fairs better than mine.  Have a great 40th and go to Denny's, on me.  Do they still do the free meal on your birthday?

-Richelle Edson Stosich

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I'm not able to log on and leave a post so I will have to leave a comment for Julie! Julie, you are one of the friendliest, most lovable girls I know! I enjoyed being your roommate at BYU! You welcomed me and I loved you for it. We had so many fun times together. I remember helping you out with your phone-a-thons at KBYU!! We had some really good times. I remember our group dates and what fun we had.
    I wish you the happiest of birthdays today-as you turn 40!! Do something you love to do and I know you will smile all day long. Happy birthday Jules!
