Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Love from Mom & Dad

9 days old, meeting big bro Jeff
     It is hard to believe that it’s been 40 years since we first met!   I  was the first to meet and greet you on February 11th 1971… (OK… there was Dr. Francis and a few nurses there, too, at Utah Valley Hospital).  I was especially surprised to have you arrive almost six weeks earlier than your March 20th   due date.   I felt pretty lucky to get an early Valentine instead of a waiting for a Lucky Shamrock.   I’ve watched you grow from that tiny 5 lb 12 oz little baby girl to a wonderful daughter who wears the roles of wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt… and many more identifiers with confidence and grace.  You are such an example to so many.  Your thoughtfulness to those in your circle of influence blesses many lives.
      As I thought about some of the impressive things others would like to know about you…  I thought about your being a peacemaker positioned between your brothers Jeff and Adam.  Your wonderful example to your younger sisters and your compassion in helping care for Emily are all characteristics I admire and appreciate.  Thank you. 
Having a sweet treat    Age 1
     Your creativity and imagination as a little girl often made me smile as you made up stories, art projects or recipes.    I enjoyed watching you in dance recitals, band concerts, cross country meets,  showing your creativity with the GWHS yearbook and journalism activities.  I remember with fondness the years I was Stake Camp Director and you were an Instigator (oops… Inspirator) that made Girl’s Camp such a fun experience!   Other’s might like to know that you are such a good driver of a mini-van today because of your training learning to drive the full-size Dodge Ram Van on those narrow West Virginia Roads…  I don’t think I’ll ever forget the garage door episode! 
     I loved making your wedding dress and being there as you made important temple covenants.  I loved being there as you introduced Amanda to us and gave me a new role of Grandma!  I am so pleased with the mother you are to those six wonderful kids! 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful 40th birthday!  
Love, Mom

w/ parents, GGpa Cram & Ethel & brother Jeff, 1971
In February 1971 I was onboard USS Ranger off the coast of Vietnam.  Usually we were out about 30 days and back in port for five days.  But this month our aircraft were called on to provide cover for US and South Vietnamese Soldiers in Laos.  Because of that we were kept out at sea for an exceptionally long time. 

I knew it was my last at sea period before coming home and hoped I would be released earlier enough, and you would be born late enough, that at least I’d be somewhere where I could receive the news by phone.  No such luck.  So while I was involved in “Operation Dewey Canyon II” in the Tonkin Gulf, Mom was going through Operation Julie Ann in Utah Valley Hospital.  Several days later a Red Cross telegram informed me that you had arrived. 

You were a stabilizing influence in our home and a good example to your brothers and sisters especially as we survived the ups and downs of Emily’s life.  You survived all the moves that we made including one final move just before your junior year.  I’m sure that wasn’t easy and we were so grateful for your maturity and support. 

When we found out that you were the family home evening mother and liked your FHE father, Mom and I exchanged knowing smiles.  That reminded us an awful lot of a certain home teacher who married one of the girls he home taught. 

Julie at 2 1/2
I wish you the same experience with your children that we are having with you.  That is that your children grow up to become your best friends.  As I observe you taking time to treat your children as individuals I am very convinced that you will one day have that wonderful experience. 

I’m told that it’s tougher for a woman to turn 40 than a man.  I dunno.  All I know is that I’ve had many, many precious experiences since my 40th birthday and I’m sure you’ll do likewise.  In any event, it sure as heck beats the alternative! 

We love you and are so grateful that Heavenly Father let you come to our family.  Have a wonderful day!

Love, Dad

p.s. We found that Osteo Bi-flex helps with achy joints. 

  1. Julie with her brothers – May 1974
  1. Dance Recital -  May 1976
Photo Shoot - age 9 1/2

High School Sophomore

Girls Camp Summer 1986, Julie 2nd from left

Cross Country Meet Morgantown, WV 1986
Moving into BYU - September 1989

With Roommate Heidi Edwards Dec. '89

Graduation from BYU August 1993
New Parents Erik, Julie & Amanda


  1. I am a huge fan of your photo shoot at 9 1/2! I hope you kept that outfit.

  2. Ahh, Julie Julie Julie. Well, as one of the few people here who has known you all your life, I do have a few fun anecdotes.

    First off, you've always shown poise and grace in everything you do, even if you weren't so graceful doing it. Let's start with when we moved to Lubbock Texas. Dad driving the Dodge Dart, mom riding shotgun Adam on my left and you on my right in the back seat. There we were cruising down Slide Road. The street was pretty busy and cruising at a good speed. I'm not sure exactly what happened; did you lean on an improperly closed door, play with the door handle? Either way, all of a sudden a 4 year old Julie(correct me if I'm wrong on the age mom and dad) is face down on Slide Road. I've never seen a human being bounce off the pavement and start running quicker. I think you would have given Usain Bolt a good race. I, being the ever protective and vigilant brother remarked to mom and dad, "Julie fell out of the car." I'm not sure if I said it with the necessary urgency, but at least I said it. :-) Dad locked up the brakes and flew like only a dad can to rescue this tiny wisp of a kid, screaming and flailing scraped knees and elbows. A trip to the ER confirmed you were just fine, but that was pretty cool.

    Of course, you can pretty much fall down anywhere (as can most of us Jarvis kids). I remember an elbow through a bay window and other minor mishaps.....

    ....which leads me to the one we waited many years to reveal to mom and dad.

    Julie, unlike many high school kids was not super eager to learn to drive. Still I wanted to be a good big brother and teach her how to drive a stick. We jumped into the car and were stutter-starting, braking, starting, turning slowly, when all of a sudden a big 1960's station wagon jumped out into the street and backed into the front end of the Omni. (OK, maybe you just freaked out a bit and rear ended a parked car). Luckily the brakes weren't great on the wagon so there was no damage to either vehicle.....except where my head smacked the windshield and cracked it. We lied to mom and dad, telling them I was driving when a dumptruck had a couple rocks fall or get kicked up off the road and crack the windshield. They got it fixed and went on with life (luckily I had bangs to hide the lump on my forehead). We kept that secret for years and years and years. When we told, mom still yelled at us!

    Happy Birthday sis! Love you!

  3. Oooh! Two more little stories....

    Julie was so very controlled and together when it came to overnight potty training. I don't know if she ever had the, umm... difficulties Adam and I all. She just didn't pee the bed. Oh, but one morning, she sat on the edge of the bed, half asleep and simply, well, let it go.

    Last story: Julie is the absolute standing champion belcher of the family. She could belch the alphabet without even thinking about it. Julie in her room around the corner and Adam and I in our room would occasionally have a battle of the burp. Julie crushed us.

    Again, Happy Birthday, love you!

  4. Julie, I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!! You are an amazing person, and it has been wonderful to get to know you and work with you.

