Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

I'm so sorry this is late. I don't check my facebook account very often.

I love this idea! I enjoyed reading all the blogs from everyone in your life. Julie, you are so loved! I remember that about you. You were always so sweet to everyone around you. You have had some great experiences in your 40 years of life!

We spent such a short time together-just one year at BYU. But so much happened in that year it seemed like longer. I don't have many memories to add to what has already been mentioned by all of our other roommates. And since you continued to room with them after your freshman year, you have so many more memories shared with them. So I will just add a few pictures to go with those memories:

BYU Preference 1989. Can any of us remember the names of the guys we went with? I can remember how we asked Krissy's date who "will not be named", though...
 This was mentioned in Krissy's blog. We "helped" her ask her date to preference with a rap she wrote.
Nice outfits...and see the "guns"?
 BYU Preference 1990. I don't remember the name of the guy...I just remember that because of him I owed ice cream to the whole apartment-vanilla ice cream, but ice cream no less! ;)

Getting a final hug from my FHE dad before the end of the school year...I was so surprised when I found out "dad" and "mom" finally got married!!! =)

I remember you and Heidi coming home from your roadtrip to WV with 2 Flying J tavel mugs. But they were no longer Flying J mugs, they were Flying Julie Jarvis mugs. Now everytime I see a flying J I think of you and those mugs!

I am so glad we reconnected with facebook! It was great seeing you when you came out to visit your parents. Have a wonderful birthday!

With Love,
Leyla (Baxter) Williams

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