Sunday, February 6, 2011

Forty and FABULOUS!!

Dear Julie,

It has been my privilege to have you as a friend these past five and a half years! I think you and Ashley were the first members of the ward to come and greet us when my family first moved in. I remember how welcoming and helpful you were; and thinking you would be a great friend. I'm pleased I was right ;-) 

I have enjoyed eating lunches with you, commiserating about some of life's challenges, trying to mimic your yummy recipes, and serving with you in nursery. I'm so glad we live close enough to share those missing ingredients we need when making last-minute Sunday dinners! I love your laid-back personality, your generous nature, and your strong testimony.

You are a great wife and mother, and I have learned from your example. I hope you know how many lives you have touched for good!!

I hope you have an amazing birthday and get all the pampering you deserve!

With love,

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