Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy 40th from your Closest Brother-in-Law

It may be hard to believe you're 40, but it's even harder to believe that I've known you for more than half of those years. Of course when I left on my mission,you were just some girl that Erik knew, and by the time I got home you were my sister-in-law! Then just a few months later you made me an uncle for the first time (one of my favorite roles in life, if you hadn't noticed).

It has been great over the years to watch you and Erik from a distance as you seem to effortlessly raise such a great family. We're so glad that we now get to live so close and get together with you much more often. You're great examples to us of awesome parents and I've already lost count of how many times you have helped us out in so many ways. We love spending time with you and your kids. You may not realize how much I look up to and admire you and Erik.

Thanks for being such a great wife to my brother, mother to my nieces and nephews, aunt to my children, daughter-in-law to my parents, and sister-in-law to me, Holly, and the rest of my siblings.

Make the next 40 years even better than the first 40!


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