Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Visting Teaching Companionship Made in Heaven

When we were first made visiting teaching companions, I remember feeling relief that I wouldn't have to do my visiting teaching alone anymore and a little apprehensive because I thought, "Oh no, I have to get to know someone NEW?!?!?"  Turns out getting to know someone new isn't a bad thing, in fact sometimes it turns out AWESOME!  Like getting to know you for example.  Who knew that you would be a kindred spirit?  Someone who loves the same kind of things I do?  I guess the Lord did.  
I also admire you for so many reasons and so it is Grand to be able to hang out with you regularly (several times every month!) and hope that some of your amazingness rubs off.  I've learned from your compassion in caring for our sisters, your thoughtfulness (I'll never forget your surprise gift of pear jelly bellies!), your patience (small boys in a non-childproof home is the litmus test for patience), your mad homemaking skills (I'm ready for sewing lessons whenever you are!), and of course your great spirituality and love of the Lord.  Not to mention I rely heavily on your book recommendations (got anything new?).  I think what has touched me most though as someone who often feels on the outside looking in (perils of being an introvert), you have always made me feel important and included.  And for that I'm beyond grateful.

I hope you have FANTASTIC birthday and feel loved since you truly are. 

Lots 'O Love,

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