Thursday, February 10, 2011

Remember "40 IS the new 30"

We will keep that saying alive since I am right behind you!  I don't even know where to are such an amazing woman and I am one lucky girl to call you my friend(even though I am completely jealous of all you can do).  You are SOOOO talented with your creativity, homemaking skills, cooking, meal planning, budgeting, and now coupon shopping.  You're such a wonderful example to your daughters(and sons) with developing new talents that the Lord has given you and sharing them with those around you(for that I am grateful).  You have helped me, listened to me, made me laugh and encouraged me more than you know:)  I am looking forward to many more years of friendship with an "older and wiser" woman-the best is yet to come!

Much admiration and love,
Leigh Havenar

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