Thursday, February 10, 2011

The BEST Oldest Sister Ever!!! Not that you're old...just the eldest!

As Amy and Margo have already confirmed, you were the coolest big sister with your awesome clothes and bangs… I used to dream of the day I could wear your black satin prom dress with the lace overlay to my senior prom… Ten years went by and, well, it was ten years too late. I let that dress stay in the closet. :-) 

You gave me this photo in a little 3x5 picture frame years ago... You were home from BYU for Christmas (dated 1-7-90, in your handwriting on the back). I wanted to go to BYU just like you! I put this photo up in my room where it remained until years later when I, too, went to BYU. It then followed me to every dorm room, apartment, house…each place I’ve lived, this little framed photo has found its place. It currently sits on my bookshelf with a number of other wonderful family photos.

Seeing as you were off to college before I was even eight years old…most of my memories, besides the “cool, awesome, beautiful big sister memories", involve trips… Coming to visit when Ashley was a baby and I had my jaw wired shut! You had the best little hand mixer/blender for milkshakes. My first time to California was to visit you for Thanksgiving my first year away from home at BYU, my first taste of AZ was visiting when Ryan was a baby. Who knew I would end up living here one day!? Africa, my first taste of international travel! Can’t thank you enough for that trip! So many wonderful memories! I still enjoy being able to visit...I'm so glad I was able to see you and your family last week!

You’ve always been the best oldest sister I have (ok, I know, totally a Dad comment…but true!). You're a wonderful sister and friend to me. Thanks for all the fun trips, the book suggestions, the craft ideas, the recipes, the phone calls and listening ear…the list could go on…Thank you for being such a great example to me! I love you! Happy 40th Birthday!!! 

Love, Jill 

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