Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Happy, Happy Birthday Dearest Julie!!!

Happy 40th Birthday (are we seriously that old????) Julie!!!  We were 'put' together as roommates our freshman year at BYU - we were 18, tan from our summers life-guarding and thinking we were quite cool being from the East Coast!  We were very fast friends and I knew I was extremely lucky to be 'put' with you.  I sure didn't know we'd be roommates for ALL 4 years at BYU - I had no idea what an incredible blessing that would be in my life! 

Here are some words to describe Julie:

Fun - You always have a smile and were just so fun to be around.  You were always up for an adventure and always saw the good in any situation.

Loyal - You were a very loyal friend.  You always kept a secret and never put down other people.  I learned a lot from your example and loyalty to all people.  You were a good friend to everyone.

Smart - We were a pretty good combination - I held my own in math and you were the english girl!  Thank you for editing oh, so many papers.  How many gigantic anthology books did you have?  I loved that we both loved reading.  I wish we could still be in book clubs together!  We always tried to take our religion classes together and some other class so we could meet up during the day.  I believe we took a family history class and told the teacher we went by our middle names - Annie, right???

Faithful - You were a very faithful LDS girl and I just loved that we were experiencing the extreme immersion in mormon-dome together.  I remember that our freshman year you would always walk to church early with me, since I had to play the piano in RS.  You did that even in the snow (we'd stop on the heating vents to warm up) as we trapsed across campus to the Eyring Science Center - where we tried to memorize the Periodic Table during Sacrament Meeting - don't think we got too far on that one...  You lived the gospel in word and action.  We went to various temples to do baptisms and I'm just so glad that the first temple sealing I could witness was you and Erik!!  (Remember our road trip to Twin Falls for Krissy and Randy's wedding???  We've made many taffeta memories together.)

I appreciate so much about you, but especially that you were an easy-going and nice person.  We were also very blessed with amazingly wonderful roommates in our apartments.  We were always part of a carfull of people going off to do something crazy.  Didn't we put couches in the back of a truck to go to a drive-in?  I love how you were a night person like me!

Remember our many trips together?  First, we drove across-country after our freshman year!  (Would we let our girls do that?!)  We had the Jarvis family Acclaim and it took us 3 days, I believe, to make it to Charleston, WV to Julie's home.  (Note:  I got the ONE and ONLY speeding ticket ever on that trip home!)  That summer Julie came to Maryland for our camping beach trip.  We had a BLAST.  The weekend I turned 21, we took a road trip to Las Vegas!  (I've never been back, that trip was enough...)  We made several trips up to Sandy to visit the wonderful Egan family.  One bus ride, we were sitting across the aisle from each other and could tell people were listening to us talk - so we started peppering our conversation with hilarious ("didn't you dad just get out of jail?") antecdotes for the eavesdroppers!

We had lots of 'borrowed' things in our apartments - from Wendy's trash cans, to Insight news stands to Elsie Carroll's picture!  I won't tip our hand to the authorities any more than that...



Here are a few other memories (being old myself, I had to dig into my brain for these and I know I can't quite recall all of them - and maybe that's for the better...):
  • Dressing up as old ladies with Jenn and going to Frontier Pies for the senior discount
  • Refills at Tanks for 32 cents...
  • You were the only one to graduate from BYU ever without taking a social dance class!
  • Borrowing Revo's car - how did the ceiling get that way??
  • Camping trips up the canyons
  • SOOOO many awesome football games!!!  We had sooo much fun!!!  We were ultimate cougar fans!
  • Firesides and devotionals at the Marriott Center.
  • Me waiting up for you to return from dates to give me the details!
  • Staying at school for summers - they were so much fun.  We were so happy our parents let us stay there.
  • Way too many practical jokes to even mention (trying not to remember so I don't give my kids any ideas!)
  • Skiing (oh I mean Reading) Days

I sure wish Kim, Richelle and I could take you to Denny's for breakfast - like we did at school!

Julie - you are wonderful and I wish you the best 40th birthday.  I hope our lives pass again.  Didn't we have plans to be in retirement homes together???

Lots and lots of Love,

(P.S. I hope to post more pictures - but they are buried in a garage prepared for winter - but I'm going to find a way!!!)

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