Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Julie, Just 40

Happy Birthday Julie!  I hope it's a wonderful, not-so-cold day in Flower Mound for your birthday.  If you're lucky, your kids will get to go to school (except for my Partner) and you can have a few hours to yourself!  Hope the ice thaws for you. 

Well, I can't help but think of 20 years ago (Hey, I've known you half your life! And 2/3 of my life!) when I was Santa Clause and it really was cool to have my older brother's college-aged friends hanging out at the house with our family!  I don't remember details, but something about a lot of snow fell that night and we were all playing in it (or just shoveling it) out in the driveway.  It's just gotten better and better ever since!

In a way that night serves as a symbol for how I think of you.  Kind, supportive, fun, humorous, and just great to have around for so many reasons!  Your laugh and sense of humor are among my favorite things about you.  I have never felt anything other than love and acceptance from you and I'm so grateful for that! 

I can't think of you without thinking of your chidren now.  They are beautiful, filled with light, delightful, fun, funny, and just great to be around.  Sounds like they got a lot from their mother.  Truly they are a tribute to you and your loving, nurturing ways.  Katie & I have both enjoyed being in your home on two occasions for several days each and learning from your wonderful parenting.  I think of patience and tolerance in particular.  We appreciate your example!

Thank you for being a thoughtful, caring, and kind sister-in-law to my Katie!  She has been blessed by your reaching out and I thank you for that.

Well, this isn't your funeral, so I will end my tribute there.  I guess we just don't take opportunity enough to express our thoughts about those we love, so here you go!  That should last you the next 40 years, and then I'll have some newer, better things to say when you're 80.  Until then...

Much love & happiness for your birthday!


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