Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Big Sister I Never Had...

Happy Birthday, Julie!!
I never knew I wanted/needed a big sister until you married Erik.  I don't know that you realize how much I've always admired and looked up to you.  You were a cool College Girl, and I was a Sophomore in High School when we met- and you treated me as an equal.  I'll always love you for that! We had so much fun at Raintree when you'd let me come and crash for the week-end and "go to class" with you. :)  You and Heidi were the greatest babysitters ever.  You taught me the true purpose of "reading days" at BYU-- Hee, hee!  We were fast friends and now sisters- but we didn't have to grow-up together, so we've always gotten along- it's be best! :)

I'll always remember that you were such a great help and support on my wedding day- helping with getting just the right photos and talking me through some anxiety...  Some of my favorite memories are talking on the phone when I was pregnant with Matthew and you with Ashley.  It was such a comfort to me to have you to commiserate with and help me through the different stages.  I have loved watching our kids grow-up and have relationships together.  You have amazing kids-- because you are an amazing woman and mother!  (Erik, you're not too shabby either-- but this isn't about you...)  ;)
This is the best picture I could find of us together.  I have looked for *HOURS*.  I scanned every scrapbook I own, went through all 340+ pages of images on the family website, and even looked through facebook.  I have a few of me and Erik together- and lots with our kids- me with your kids- you with my kids- but none of us together!  Good thing you'll be here this weekend- we'll have a photo shoot together!  :)

I love you, Julie!  You are my big sister that I didn't know I needed, but do!  Thanks for being such an amazing woman, sister, wife, mother, example to me and to everyone who knows you!!

Love you, Sis!!  ~Em

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