Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Big 40th!

I like that 40 is the new 30, because it sure makes me feel better about that milestone too!  :)  So, now that I count back, I can't believe that we were roommates almost 20 years ago!!!  Really?!  I think back on that time with the fondest memories and still can't believe that we were so silly then!  It helped that we had your creative, daring personality to guide us along on many of those fun adventures! 

I’m sad and embarrassed to admit that my photos from college are still at my parents’ home, but I did find my journal that helped me remember a couple extra things.  When I met you in the fall of 1991, I wrote in my journal, “Julie is a total baker and crafter.  We get along well.”  I remember many cooking, crafting, and sewing adventures.  You really are a great cook and some of your recipes are still my favorites!  Sometimes that creativity turned a little wild and we did some fun decorating especially for Halloween and Christmas!  Thanks to us, the guys in the ward all had nice Halloween pumpkins on their doors and then at Christmas they felt remembered in our tree ornaments.

I remember ski trips, ice skating at Seven Peaks, “ice sliding” at Seven Peaks, many canyon trips, lots of group dates, FHE with the football team “brothers,” Misti’s flip flop fly swatter, "road worker" Halloween costumes, and more.  Drives in Grandma Revo’s car were the best; especially when you, Heidi, and I dressed up as old ladies for Halloween and went to Frontier Pies for dinner!  Hanging out at your future in-laws’’ home was the perfect escape to a fun, relaxing, inviting home with amazing food -- they really were the best to put up with all of us!!!  I remember drink runs to Tanks, shakes at Stevenette’s, and taco salads at the Cougar Eat.  (The journal helped me remember a certain dental book called “Minor Tooth Movement in General Practice” where we learned about diastemas.  How did we get that book in our apartment?!!!)  It’s a good thing we always had the game “Kings and Queens” to tell our future, reveal the truth, and help us make important decisions!   It wasn’t just fun times; we did study some, right?  We actually studied at the Econ Dept, thanks to Heidi.

I remember celebrating past birthdays with you . . . For your 21st birthday we had a hot chocolate “kegger” and invited more guys than girls (we almost always seemed to manage that somehow).  For your 22nd birthday we ate out at Denny’s.  I wish I could be there in person for your 40th, but so glad that I can be a part of your 40TH BIRTHDAY BLOG! 

Lots of love and wishes for the best 40th!
Jenn (Luke) Jackson

1 comment:

  1. I always use the word diastema - Bill works in the dental world now and tells me he doesn't know what that is!! So crazy that has stuck with me all these years!! I did also remember Julie's party where it was only guys who showed up and we realized we inadvertenly hadn't invited a lot of girls! Super, duper good times. I forgot about how Julie and I both had sewing machines - Julie was infinitely better at sewing and cooking than me. So much fun!
