Thursday, February 10, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday Julie Dear!


Where do I start?  There have been SO many memories running through my head-mostly all of the ones that Heidi posted!  You made my years at BYU some of the best of my life!  You were such an amazing roommate to have-I know it wasn't coincidence that we were all put together.  I'm so grateful to have you in my life-I know we will be lifelong friends and into eternity!  I only wish we all lived closer to one another-thank goodness for Facebook!  :)

Here are some of my best memories:

*Stealing a Wendy's trash can!  :)

*Dressing up as my peeps to help me ask someone to a dance  (the person shall remain nameless)

*Very late night talks in your room

*Road trips to Twin Falls

*Hike up to Provo Canyon before a dance (I think you went with Ray and I went with Jim somebody, I don't remember his last name)

*Our awesome family home evening brothers our freshman year!

*Visits to the guys in our ward on Sundays

*Sledding down the hill by Carroll Hall with our cookie sheets and shower curtain

*And the best for last-I married the guy you had a crush on and you married the guy I went to a dance with!  :)

I have so many pictures that I could post, but I'm not home and I don't have them on my laptop.  I hope you have a most wonderful day and year with your darling family!  You deserve all the happiness and joy you exuberate-I love you tons and wouldn't have made it through my BYU years without you!


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