Thursday, February 10, 2011


For your 40th birthday I was going to climb up a cliff and get you some eagle eggs so you could have special eagle powers, but it turns out they were a lie. Eagle eggs give you no powers, they give you no nutrients! So I guess I'll just write on this blog for you :)

Over the years I've always thought that it would be so fun to live by you and get to hang out and craft, etc. I really blows me away that it's actually happened! I never thought we'd live in Texas, and here we are loving it! 

I can't tell you how much I love having someone else who's willing to go to the store in sweats with me! I love being able to just come hang out and chat while our kids destroy your house! I love that you invite us over for dinner so much and I hope that eventually your mad cooking skills will start to rub off on me! Your food is "the best in the whole city!" I love that we can laugh and laugh while quoting stupid movies! I love playing Wheel of Fortune on the wii with you...even though I haven't won yet! I love that you've included me in book club and introduced me to such fun ladies! I love that we get to  share craft and sewing ideas! I love going on double dates with you and Erik (which we need to do more of)! I love that we've been able to go to the temple together! I love that you have raised such great kids that my kids love to be with! 

In short (well, long really) I love living here and having you as my sister and friend. There are many memories yet to be made and I'm so glad you'll be part of them! 

Happy, happy 40th to you! I hope I can be just like you when I grow up!


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