Monday, February 7, 2011

"The Good Ole Days"
Julie....Happy Birthday my friend!!  40 is quite the mile stone....take it from me....unfortunately I've been there...but let's not dwell on the negative!  :)  When I think about you, and takes me back to some very good times.  First at KBYU where we met.  Ah....yes....the wonderful "FUNdrives"....didn't we love those??  Actually working there and meeting such wonderful people was a great experience.  Even with all the work we always found time to laugh and joke around.   I've always thought the world of you and have loved keeping up with you and your family through facebook and Christmas Cards.  You were seriously one of the sweetest people I knew while in Provo.  You were so easy to talk to and we could always laugh....and laugh...a lot.  It was doubly fun after Mike and I got married and ended up in the same ward as you and Erik.  I think we did ok....both of us marrying guys from the Milwaukee, WI mission! (Go Packers!)  Anyway....just want you to know that even though the years and miles have separated us that I still think you are an amazingly awesome woman, mother and wife.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!  May it be the best yet!

Love ya!
Jamie Jones

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