Thursday, February 17, 2011

HBD (belated)!

Hi Julie,

Happy (ahem... belated) birthday!* I hope it was such a terrific day for you, full of celebration and love, and that your year will appropriately follow suit! I think you're tops -- an attentive and thoughtful mother, an inclusive and peaceful friend, a fun and fun-loving gal! 

One memory I have of you, that so perfectly illustrates who you are, is the day that Connor was sealed to Ben, Holly & Taylor. I was stuck in Bob & Kathy's basement with a screaming baby Catherine and was missing lunch and fun with the enormous & friendly crowd that's synonymous with Egans. I just figured I'd grab some leftovers whenever I made it upstairs, but no! -- despite having six children and yourself to think of and feed, you also thought of me and brought me a plate... and sat and chatted at length. So generous and kind, and I've loved you ever since.

You have a steady disposition, a peaceful character and a happy personality. Perfection!

Love to you from Orem, in this and all your coming years,
Hadley Duncan Howard, et al

*I just found Erik's email this evening on our old AOL account that we only ever use to track packages! Sorry we missed the deadline!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What. A. Surprise. Thank you so much to Susie and Erik for doing this. It's definitely something I'll treasure forever.

I am so honored and humbled by all of the kind words and wonderful birthday wishes. I laughed and cried over these posts and truly enjoyed remembering so many memories. Each one of you has a special place in my heart, whether I've known you for four years or forty. Thank you for being a part of MY life and making me a better person. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Julie!

I'm so sorry this is late. I don't check my facebook account very often.

I love this idea! I enjoyed reading all the blogs from everyone in your life. Julie, you are so loved! I remember that about you. You were always so sweet to everyone around you. You have had some great experiences in your 40 years of life!

We spent such a short time together-just one year at BYU. But so much happened in that year it seemed like longer. I don't have many memories to add to what has already been mentioned by all of our other roommates. And since you continued to room with them after your freshman year, you have so many more memories shared with them. So I will just add a few pictures to go with those memories:

BYU Preference 1989. Can any of us remember the names of the guys we went with? I can remember how we asked Krissy's date who "will not be named", though...
 This was mentioned in Krissy's blog. We "helped" her ask her date to preference with a rap she wrote.
Nice outfits...and see the "guns"?
 BYU Preference 1990. I don't remember the name of the guy...I just remember that because of him I owed ice cream to the whole apartment-vanilla ice cream, but ice cream no less! ;)

Getting a final hug from my FHE dad before the end of the school year...I was so surprised when I found out "dad" and "mom" finally got married!!! =)

I remember you and Heidi coming home from your roadtrip to WV with 2 Flying J tavel mugs. But they were no longer Flying J mugs, they were Flying Julie Jarvis mugs. Now everytime I see a flying J I think of you and those mugs!

I am so glad we reconnected with facebook! It was great seeing you when you came out to visit your parents. Have a wonderful birthday!

With Love,
Leyla (Baxter) Williams

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bermuda 2005
This had been a most enjoyable and uplifting project, to invite your friends and family to share their feelings, memories, photos and birthday greetings as you turn 40.  I have to give Susie credit for coming up with the idea and creating and maintaining the blog.  My role was to invite and encourage people to participate.  The final product is an impressive collection of tributes.

What I didn’t anticipate is the way the many tributes and memories have moved me, reminded me why I was attracted to you in the first place and once again confirmed the wisdom of my decision to marry you.  My hope is that reading these postings will bring back fond memories and help you realize what a significant impact you have had on many, many people, including me.  As you encounter discouraging moments ahead, you can remember or re-read these postings and be uplifted.

We have known each other for nearly 22 of your 40 years and been married for almost 18 of those years.  I have always admired your calm demeanor and your ability to just be yourself.  There is never any pretense or guile.  You have strong opinions but you respect the right of others to believe otherwise and you are a natural peacemaker.  I hope some of those qualities have rubbed off on me.

Over the years, you have demonstrated your abundant love, support and loyalty to me.  I am not aware of even one time that you have complained about my work commitments and travel or my callings at church, all of which have often taken me away from the family.  Because of this, I am able to work, travel and serve with focus and a calm mind, knowing that you are supportive rather than resentful.  That is a priceless gift to me.

Among the themes repeated in this blog is the wonderful mother you are, and I agree.  I know you don’t always feel so wonderful, but the truth is that you put your heart and soul into your role as a mother.  I appreciate the way you teach our children to love to cook, the way you seem to find time to spend time with each child and the way you support the kids in their many activities.  The children love you and trust you.  Most importantly, they know you love the Lord and they see your testimony in action as you serve others.

I could write plenty more about how much you mean to me…but I won’t right here.  I love you and I am grateful you are mine for eternity!!


On our honeymoon at DisneyWorld in 1993

Celebrating your 30th birthday at The French Room restaurant in downtown Dallas

Hanalei Valley on Kauai, Hawaii - 2005

YW Camp with Amanda & Ashley - 2009
Washington DC Temple 2009
In NYC, September 2009
On the BYU campus - 2008
Back at BYU in 2010

 After our first 5k in 2009

To the best mother ever...

Dear Madre,

I just have to tell you how totally incredible you are!! You do so much for me and you are always so supportive of me, especially with all my crazy choir stuff I've had throughout the past 6 months! It's so great to know that you will always be there for me and that I can count on you to help me through all the hard things in my life. You are a patient, loving, kind, beautiful, caring, talented, considerate, wonderful, creative, fun, awesome, amazing person!! You are a wonderful mother, and I am so privledged to have you as MY mom! I have enjoyed my 16 3/4 years of my life with you and I know I will enjoy many more! I hope this next year of your life is great, because you deserve it, 100%! I love you so much, mi madre favorita!


Amanda, the girl that made you a mother. : )

Saturday, February 12, 2011

You're not forty; you're thirty with ten years of experience!

 Dear Julie,

You are truly an amazing woman and I count myself so fortunate to be your friend.  Thank you for your kindness.  Thank you for your friendship.  Thank you for your happy personality.  Thank you for your amazing children.  Thank you for your willingness to serve.  Thank you for your positivity (I've always wanted to use that word!)  Thank you for your acceptance.  Thank you for your ability to make things better and brighter.  Thank you for being an example of what is good and right.  Thank you for attitude.  Thank you for all that you do. You are fantastic.
Love, Jenny
October 2008 - Norton Farewell Party
Bella, Shawn and Ella (May '08)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Birthday my Roommate with no Shoes

Oh the fun we had mocking West Virginia!!!  I can't believe that we are 40!!  So mature...right?  I think I am less mature now than I thought I was in college.  I got into my crawl space in my basement so that I could drag out these photos for you to enjoy on your birthday. I can't believe it has been so long since I have seen you.  It is about time we thought of doing a reunion with Heidi, Krissy and Karlee.  That would be so fun!!  I hope you day has been wonderful.  I especially enjoyed the calculus picture.  I remember that night.  You were SO funny!  But I don't remember why we set up the bed in the kitchen.  Was it to make room for the Wendy's garbage can??  Have a great birthday!!  Love Mindy (Anderson) Linderman

Happy Birthday, from Michael Buble

I tried really hard to get Michael Buble to come to Flower Mound and sing Happy Birthday to you in person, but he was out of the country. He said to send you his love!  This is a lame substitute, but here is a clip of him singing to some random guy named Ray!

Behind the scenes with Michael Bublé, Matt Lauer

Going to the concert with you and Erik was so much fun-  I love that we can act like silly teenagers over a goofy Canadian singer!  We have shared many good times over the past 10+ years... Book Club, Church, Preschool, YMCA baseball games, swimming, Prairie Trail, blogging, etc. etc...  Thanks also for sharing your girls with me-  You have done an amazing job raising them.  I will never find such great babysitters!  Thank You for always being such a wonderful friend to me and even though we have moved, I know that we will always stay in touch- you truly are a "kindred spirit"!  I hope you have a fabulous birthday!
Love and Miss You,

Welcome to 40!


I remember a few years ago we were planning on having a Julie Squared fortieth birthday bash when we turned the big 4-0, but it was sooooo far into the future, we figured we would plan it when we were closer to being 40. Guess what????  We were closer than we thought! ;)  Even without the party, I still feel like January and February are our Julie Squared birthday bashes in themselves.  I think of you often, even though we don't get to see each other as much as I would like and count myself as so blessed to have you as a friend.  I hope your day is filled with people and things you love!

Julie the Older

Happy Birthday!

Dear Julie,
I've known you for 13 years now. You have been a great example to me. We had such fun living at Windsor Park when we could walk out our back door and visit you and Erik and the girls. Then Ryan was born. What fun we had sitting by your family at church. (All except for a spitting up incident!)

Today I appreciate the family you are raising. Your kids are great. You are a good mother. You are kind, fun and grounded in your principles.

Thanks for being you. Have a great day!
Lynette Dashner

Thursday, February 10, 2011

HaPpY 40tH bIrThDaY JuLiE!!!

Hey Julie, it has been a long time.  Happy 40th.  I searched my photo albums and came upon these pictures - some I don't even remember.  I guess that's what happens when you get older - your mind fades.  J/K

Here we are at a football game (BYU vs USU) back in 1991.

Do you remember the dresses we made for Kim & Rick's wedding?

The informal bridesmaids.

And lastly, I don't remember this, but evidently we went to Yuba Lake sometime.  Do you remember that?

Well, I hope your mind fairs better than mine.  Have a great 40th and go to Denny's, on me.  Do they still do the free meal on your birthday?

-Richelle Edson Stosich

Happy Birthday Julie!

Where to begin?  You have been one of my favorite people since I first met you when you came to my house to welcome me to the ward... you were the Relief Society Secretary and you had 2 year old little Jacob come along with you.  You warned me when he started to play with Andrew, "he has an older brother so he likes to play rough."  If I only knew that I would be saying that to so many people some day too!  Where did the time go?

Things I love about Julie:

I love being your friend.

I love living close by and knowing that I have a friend who would help me out whenever I called.

I love that you trust me to have your house key when you go out of town.

I love that you ask me to check for packages on your front step... I feel important :)

I love sharing books with you... well actually I love just borrowing your books :)

I love having Christmas tree ornaments on my tree with your name on them.

I love serving in church with you.  You are so organized and responsible and have great ideas.  You make service easy!

I love sharing meals together... I love getting together and having family time together.

I love it when you brought me dinner after I had a baby, or when I didn't have a kitchen, or when I was sick..., eating your food is like a little piece of heaven on earth.

I love swimming at the pool together with our kids in the summer.

I love carpooling for preschool together and I love it when Blake (or any of my kids) come to play at your house.  I know they are well taken care of and I know that they are HAPPY and loving life when they are in your home.

I love the Quilt you made for Brooklyn... the love and friendship that was put into that quilt means the world to me.

You are such a great example of a loving mother, devoted wife, and fun sister.  You and Eric are such an influence for good to our family.  You have so many great talents and use them to better those around you. I really look up to you in so many ways.  Thank you for your kindness and service to me and my family over these past 8 1/2 years.  We love you and look forward to many more years of friendship!  Happy Birthday!

Juliana, Todd and the Salway kids

Julie, you don't look a day over 30!

Couldn't resist this blast from the past!
Love ya!

For your 40th birthday I was going to climb up a cliff and get you some eagle eggs so you could have special eagle powers, but it turns out they were a lie. Eagle eggs give you no powers, they give you no nutrients! So I guess I'll just write on this blog for you :)

Over the years I've always thought that it would be so fun to live by you and get to hang out and craft, etc. I really blows me away that it's actually happened! I never thought we'd live in Texas, and here we are loving it! 

I can't tell you how much I love having someone else who's willing to go to the store in sweats with me! I love being able to just come hang out and chat while our kids destroy your house! I love that you invite us over for dinner so much and I hope that eventually your mad cooking skills will start to rub off on me! Your food is "the best in the whole city!" I love that we can laugh and laugh while quoting stupid movies! I love playing Wheel of Fortune on the wii with you...even though I haven't won yet! I love that you've included me in book club and introduced me to such fun ladies! I love that we get to  share craft and sewing ideas! I love going on double dates with you and Erik (which we need to do more of)! I love that we've been able to go to the temple together! I love that you have raised such great kids that my kids love to be with! 

In short (well, long really) I love living here and having you as my sister and friend. There are many memories yet to be made and I'm so glad you'll be part of them! 

Happy, happy 40th to you! I hope I can be just like you when I grow up!


You make 40 look FABULOUS!

Dear Julie, Happy Birthday! I appreciate having you for a friend so much. You are not only fun and interesting but a great example. You seem to have a knack for being able to do anything and everything and do it well! It would be disgusting if you weren't so very likable. :) I also enjoy your wonderful family. You make 40 look so fabulous that I might take 40 on myself before too long. I hope you get spoiled! love ya, Kerinne

Remember "40 IS the new 30"

We will keep that saying alive since I am right behind you!  I don't even know where to are such an amazing woman and I am one lucky girl to call you my friend(even though I am completely jealous of all you can do).  You are SOOOO talented with your creativity, homemaking skills, cooking, meal planning, budgeting, and now coupon shopping.  You're such a wonderful example to your daughters(and sons) with developing new talents that the Lord has given you and sharing them with those around you(for that I am grateful).  You have helped me, listened to me, made me laugh and encouraged me more than you know:)  I am looking forward to many more years of friendship with an "older and wiser" woman-the best is yet to come!

Much admiration and love,
Leigh Havenar

Happy Happy Birthday Julie Dear!


Where do I start?  There have been SO many memories running through my head-mostly all of the ones that Heidi posted!  You made my years at BYU some of the best of my life!  You were such an amazing roommate to have-I know it wasn't coincidence that we were all put together.  I'm so grateful to have you in my life-I know we will be lifelong friends and into eternity!  I only wish we all lived closer to one another-thank goodness for Facebook!  :)

Here are some of my best memories:

*Stealing a Wendy's trash can!  :)

*Dressing up as my peeps to help me ask someone to a dance  (the person shall remain nameless)

*Very late night talks in your room

*Road trips to Twin Falls

*Hike up to Provo Canyon before a dance (I think you went with Ray and I went with Jim somebody, I don't remember his last name)

*Our awesome family home evening brothers our freshman year!

*Visits to the guys in our ward on Sundays

*Sledding down the hill by Carroll Hall with our cookie sheets and shower curtain

*And the best for last-I married the guy you had a crush on and you married the guy I went to a dance with!  :)

I have so many pictures that I could post, but I'm not home and I don't have them on my laptop.  I hope you have a most wonderful day and year with your darling family!  You deserve all the happiness and joy you exuberate-I love you tons and wouldn't have made it through my BYU years without you!


Just "but oh so much more" Julie

We met when I was expecting my first baby.  I can't believe it's been so long ago, but how thankful I am that the Combs and Egan families continue to cross paths.  You are an amazing woman, wife, mother and friend.  Oh how I miss coming to your house every day after school.  I love that your family and home have created  and will continue to create wonderful memories for my children.  I love that you love me and my children - even when you have had the opportunity to see many of our shortcomings.
Thank you for being an example to me.  Thank you for being a woman in but not of the world.  Thank you for your strong testimony that shines in your countenance.  Thank you for your creativity and your desire to sew with me (even though we don't get to nearly enough).  Thank you for being you!
Have a very happy birthday today - and so many more in the future.
(and the rest of the Combs family) 

You're So Dang Creative, Julie!

To Our Sister Julie–

Happy Fortieth Birthday, Julie! Take this day for yourself – No worries, I already worked it out with Erik. You're good to go wild and do whatever you want – shopping, mani/pedi, massage, golfing, skydiving, whatever. This is your day, go nuts!

Where do we even start to talk about how awesome you are? For starters, you've been my sister for as long as I can remember. I've known you since I was what, four? So it's always just been natural. You practically raised me, and I've turned out alright I guess, so that speaks volumes to your character. 

Memories... I'm just going to avalanche some your way: 
  • Coining the phrase "you're so dang creative, Julie!" while dyeing Easter eggs at the Easter Cabin.
  • Sitting at Taco Bell and telling you that the Doctor had called to inform me you were pregnant (which turned out to be true!). 
  • Leaving Betsy & Klint's wedding reception and you making me spit out my Wint-O-Green Lifesaver candy because the smell was making you sick... come to find out you were pregnant, and just hadn't announced it yet. I was too young to see that as a clue.
  • *Supposedly* being grossed out in the Smith's parking lot when you informed me that babies are delivered out of a woman's "crotch" (Is that inappropriate for this medium? Sorry).
  • The Chandler, AZ summer where I practically lived with you guys for a month. 
  • We'll never forget when we were at y'alls place for Thanksgiving when Kelsey received the phone call letting her know she had been cast on a little TV show called Next Food Network Star. We can trace all of her success right back to your kitchen.
  • Kelsey & I hanging out with you & Erik here in the Big Apple! (When are you coming back for round two?)
  • And finally, you being the kindest, most considerate and fun sister-in-law that a little brother-in-law could ask for. And I really mean that. 
Happy Birthday Julie! We love and look up to you & your family so much. Thanks for just being you. 

Robby & Kelsey

Happy Birthday Julie!

I met you and church but got to know you for the first time at Lindsey's Birthday party.  That's also the first time our little "Snow White" and "Dorothy" first got to know each other and have become wonderful friends!

As I was thinking about you I remembered the many, many presidency meetings we have been to together.  It was fun serving with you in the Relief Society presidency.  Remember your's and Sarah's birthdays were one day apart and so were mine and Donna's?  Then we were destined to serve together again in Young Women's.  Fun times!

Most of all, I'm thankful to have you for a friend!  I'm glad we even live a little closer to each other now.  I love all the fun we have at book club each month. I had a really nice time crafting with you and Holly earlier this week and look forward to more.

Thanks for being such a wonderful woman and friend.


Sharon Johnson

Just Julie, Just 40

Happy Birthday Julie!  I hope it's a wonderful, not-so-cold day in Flower Mound for your birthday.  If you're lucky, your kids will get to go to school (except for my Partner) and you can have a few hours to yourself!  Hope the ice thaws for you. 

Well, I can't help but think of 20 years ago (Hey, I've known you half your life! And 2/3 of my life!) when I was Santa Clause and it really was cool to have my older brother's college-aged friends hanging out at the house with our family!  I don't remember details, but something about a lot of snow fell that night and we were all playing in it (or just shoveling it) out in the driveway.  It's just gotten better and better ever since!

In a way that night serves as a symbol for how I think of you.  Kind, supportive, fun, humorous, and just great to have around for so many reasons!  Your laugh and sense of humor are among my favorite things about you.  I have never felt anything other than love and acceptance from you and I'm so grateful for that! 

I can't think of you without thinking of your chidren now.  They are beautiful, filled with light, delightful, fun, funny, and just great to be around.  Sounds like they got a lot from their mother.  Truly they are a tribute to you and your loving, nurturing ways.  Katie & I have both enjoyed being in your home on two occasions for several days each and learning from your wonderful parenting.  I think of patience and tolerance in particular.  We appreciate your example!

Thank you for being a thoughtful, caring, and kind sister-in-law to my Katie!  She has been blessed by your reaching out and I thank you for that.

Well, this isn't your funeral, so I will end my tribute there.  I guess we just don't take opportunity enough to express our thoughts about those we love, so here you go!  That should last you the next 40 years, and then I'll have some newer, better things to say when you're 80.  Until then...

Much love & happiness for your birthday!


The BEST Oldest Sister Ever!!! Not that you're old...just the eldest!

As Amy and Margo have already confirmed, you were the coolest big sister with your awesome clothes and bangs… I used to dream of the day I could wear your black satin prom dress with the lace overlay to my senior prom… Ten years went by and, well, it was ten years too late. I let that dress stay in the closet. :-) 

You gave me this photo in a little 3x5 picture frame years ago... You were home from BYU for Christmas (dated 1-7-90, in your handwriting on the back). I wanted to go to BYU just like you! I put this photo up in my room where it remained until years later when I, too, went to BYU. It then followed me to every dorm room, apartment, house…each place I’ve lived, this little framed photo has found its place. It currently sits on my bookshelf with a number of other wonderful family photos.

Seeing as you were off to college before I was even eight years old…most of my memories, besides the “cool, awesome, beautiful big sister memories", involve trips… Coming to visit when Ashley was a baby and I had my jaw wired shut! You had the best little hand mixer/blender for milkshakes. My first time to California was to visit you for Thanksgiving my first year away from home at BYU, my first taste of AZ was visiting when Ryan was a baby. Who knew I would end up living here one day!? Africa, my first taste of international travel! Can’t thank you enough for that trip! So many wonderful memories! I still enjoy being able to visit...I'm so glad I was able to see you and your family last week!

You’ve always been the best oldest sister I have (ok, I know, totally a Dad comment…but true!). You're a wonderful sister and friend to me. Thanks for all the fun trips, the book suggestions, the craft ideas, the recipes, the phone calls and listening ear…the list could go on…Thank you for being such a great example to me! I love you! Happy 40th Birthday!!! 

Love, Jill 

Happy Big 40th!

I like that 40 is the new 30, because it sure makes me feel better about that milestone too!  :)  So, now that I count back, I can't believe that we were roommates almost 20 years ago!!!  Really?!  I think back on that time with the fondest memories and still can't believe that we were so silly then!  It helped that we had your creative, daring personality to guide us along on many of those fun adventures! 

I’m sad and embarrassed to admit that my photos from college are still at my parents’ home, but I did find my journal that helped me remember a couple extra things.  When I met you in the fall of 1991, I wrote in my journal, “Julie is a total baker and crafter.  We get along well.”  I remember many cooking, crafting, and sewing adventures.  You really are a great cook and some of your recipes are still my favorites!  Sometimes that creativity turned a little wild and we did some fun decorating especially for Halloween and Christmas!  Thanks to us, the guys in the ward all had nice Halloween pumpkins on their doors and then at Christmas they felt remembered in our tree ornaments.

I remember ski trips, ice skating at Seven Peaks, “ice sliding” at Seven Peaks, many canyon trips, lots of group dates, FHE with the football team “brothers,” Misti’s flip flop fly swatter, "road worker" Halloween costumes, and more.  Drives in Grandma Revo’s car were the best; especially when you, Heidi, and I dressed up as old ladies for Halloween and went to Frontier Pies for dinner!  Hanging out at your future in-laws’’ home was the perfect escape to a fun, relaxing, inviting home with amazing food -- they really were the best to put up with all of us!!!  I remember drink runs to Tanks, shakes at Stevenette’s, and taco salads at the Cougar Eat.  (The journal helped me remember a certain dental book called “Minor Tooth Movement in General Practice” where we learned about diastemas.  How did we get that book in our apartment?!!!)  It’s a good thing we always had the game “Kings and Queens” to tell our future, reveal the truth, and help us make important decisions!   It wasn’t just fun times; we did study some, right?  We actually studied at the Econ Dept, thanks to Heidi.

I remember celebrating past birthdays with you . . . For your 21st birthday we had a hot chocolate “kegger” and invited more guys than girls (we almost always seemed to manage that somehow).  For your 22nd birthday we ate out at Denny’s.  I wish I could be there in person for your 40th, but so glad that I can be a part of your 40TH BIRTHDAY BLOG! 

Lots of love and wishes for the best 40th!
Jenn (Luke) Jackson

Happy 40th Birthday!

Hi Julie!  I just wanted to wish you the best on your birthday tomorrow.  I really appreciate your friendship.  You are such an amazing mom, friend, wife, teacher, etc..  the list goes on and on.  Thank you for being such a great example to all of us who know you and love you.

Wishing you the best!!

Suzanne Flake

Love from AZ

Just another February 11th, but
Unlike others before, because
Leading the way among the Egan clan
Is the wise sister-in-law who has
Earned our love and trust.

I’ve know you more than half my life,
So your influence is immeasurable.

From recipes and mothering tips,
Or making my 5th grade Valentine box, to
Reading books you recommend,
Thanks for all you've done for me-
You’ve helped me become who I am.

I'm so glad you are you and I get to be related to you! 
Happy 40th!!

Love, Kelly
(and the rest of the Mear fam)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy 40th from your Closest Brother-in-Law

It may be hard to believe you're 40, but it's even harder to believe that I've known you for more than half of those years. Of course when I left on my mission,you were just some girl that Erik knew, and by the time I got home you were my sister-in-law! Then just a few months later you made me an uncle for the first time (one of my favorite roles in life, if you hadn't noticed).

It has been great over the years to watch you and Erik from a distance as you seem to effortlessly raise such a great family. We're so glad that we now get to live so close and get together with you much more often. You're great examples to us of awesome parents and I've already lost count of how many times you have helped us out in so many ways. We love spending time with you and your kids. You may not realize how much I look up to and admire you and Erik.

Thanks for being such a great wife to my brother, mother to my nieces and nephews, aunt to my children, daughter-in-law to my parents, and sister-in-law to me, Holly, and the rest of my siblings.

Make the next 40 years even better than the first 40!


Fun Days at BYU


It's been so long since we've seen each other but it seems like just yesterday that we had that fun summer as roommates at RainTree.  Rick and I were laughing last night about the time that you and I almost saw too much of Jason Turner in the bathroom of their apartment. Rick will never forget the look on Jason's face as he came screaming and running out of the bathroom that day. I guess that's what we get for being in their apartment stealing soda and them coming home.  We thought hiding in the bath tub and pulling the shower curtain closed was a great place to hide until Jason came in to use the bathroom.  Do you remember us looking at each other and knowing we had to do something to let him know we were there.  When he heard us start laughing it was such a suprise for him.  I wonder if he remembers that day?  Ha Ha We had a lot of  fun after we swiped that key to their apartment. My kids had not heard that story before and couldn't believe their mom would do such a thing :) Hope you have a great birthday!! Next time you are in Utah please look us up.  We'd love to see you.
Rick and Kim Lalliss

Miss America Memories

Miss America 2007
From L to R (Front) Juliana Salway, Terri Kofoed, Cherie Kofoed, Jenny and Jared Norton, Julie Egan, Desiree Follett  Back Row: Tami Lopez, Sarah and Porter Combs, Michelle Muir, Heather Frandsen, Jennifer Taylor, Linda Hawes, Pam Taylor, Kristen McMahan, Ashley Egan, Lara Peterson, Naomi Hathaway, Amanda Egan, Bergen Stephens, Sara Stephens, CristiAnne Peterson and Marnie Peterson

Miss America 2011
Back to Front (L ro R) Melanie Ortler, Abby Flake, Ahna Mitchell, Leigh Havenar, Ashley Egan, Cassie Muir, Michelle Muir.  Next Row(NR): Amanda Egan, Carlyna Dowell, Kerinne Nickerson, Alex Salimbene, Lindsey Johnson, Sharon Johnson. NR: Melissa Salimbene, Julie Lilly, Julie Egan,Terri Kofoed, Samantha Nickerson, Emily Flake. NR: Marina Lund, Lynette Bird, Sarah Combs, Juliana Salway. NR: Becky Speakman, Melanie Derr, Suzanne Flake. NR: Liz Lohner, Jessica Moore, Natalee Williams, Stephanie Yost, Jenny Norton. NR: Sue, Nicole Jones, Jennifer Christensen

The best thing about these pictures is that you certainly don't look like you are getting older, you just seem to be getting shorter!
Julie's Taller
Julie's Shorter (or at least she looks like she is!)

Happy Birthday Sister!!!

What a blessing to be part of the Egan family! And what a blessing to have such a wonderful sister-in-law like you!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!  I wish we lived closer to you so we could spend more time with you... You are always so fun to be with!  You are such a trememdous example to me.  I try hard to be a mother like you. I watch you in action, read your blog and the family website and am amazed at you and your family!  Thanks for being such a wonderful example!  I hope your day is PERFECT in every way!  You deserve it!  We miss you and love you!

Love, Katie

A sister of sorts...


      First of all you are not old!  You just now officially know better.  As your older brother of sorts I wanted to tell you what an amazing sister you are and dear friend.  Thank you for loving my daughter when I was raising her as a single dad. It was nice to have you along with a few other of my special forces sisters in 3rd ward step in and love my sweet daughter.  Thank you for sharing your mom and dad with us and letting us stay at their home, and for including us on many family dinners and holidays.  You are truly a daughter of infinite worth and a cherished friend.  You, Eric and I and now Stacy will remain friends forever.  Thank you for making my wedding day so special with the wonderful catering job you did.  Thank you for all the clients you have referred me and for the occassional call to see how I am doing.    I see the light of Christ in you and appreciate your example.

Please know that now that you are 40, you belong to a special league of wise adults. Your wisdom will have a deeper meaning than before, especially when you say your age..  if that doesnt work just share your weight.  Wait.. I am almost 43 so I knew better than to say that..  Dont worry I will go back and erase that before I post. 

Julie,  May God truly bless you.  May your arrival to the decade of wisdom, fun cause you deserve it, and the beginning of kids leaving the nest be constantly filled with blessings and laughter. 

At the end of the day,  take an opportunity to give thanks, like I know you do, because you have made a difference in my life and I am sure many others. 

By the way you dont look 40, so that is even cooler. 

Happy Birthday

Love your brother  Jay!

Love from Mom & Dad

9 days old, meeting big bro Jeff
     It is hard to believe that it’s been 40 years since we first met!   I  was the first to meet and greet you on February 11th 1971… (OK… there was Dr. Francis and a few nurses there, too, at Utah Valley Hospital).  I was especially surprised to have you arrive almost six weeks earlier than your March 20th   due date.   I felt pretty lucky to get an early Valentine instead of a waiting for a Lucky Shamrock.   I’ve watched you grow from that tiny 5 lb 12 oz little baby girl to a wonderful daughter who wears the roles of wife, mother, friend, sister, aunt… and many more identifiers with confidence and grace.  You are such an example to so many.  Your thoughtfulness to those in your circle of influence blesses many lives.
      As I thought about some of the impressive things others would like to know about you…  I thought about your being a peacemaker positioned between your brothers Jeff and Adam.  Your wonderful example to your younger sisters and your compassion in helping care for Emily are all characteristics I admire and appreciate.  Thank you. 
Having a sweet treat    Age 1
     Your creativity and imagination as a little girl often made me smile as you made up stories, art projects or recipes.    I enjoyed watching you in dance recitals, band concerts, cross country meets,  showing your creativity with the GWHS yearbook and journalism activities.  I remember with fondness the years I was Stake Camp Director and you were an Instigator (oops… Inspirator) that made Girl’s Camp such a fun experience!   Other’s might like to know that you are such a good driver of a mini-van today because of your training learning to drive the full-size Dodge Ram Van on those narrow West Virginia Roads…  I don’t think I’ll ever forget the garage door episode! 
     I loved making your wedding dress and being there as you made important temple covenants.  I loved being there as you introduced Amanda to us and gave me a new role of Grandma!  I am so pleased with the mother you are to those six wonderful kids! 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful 40th birthday!  
Love, Mom

w/ parents, GGpa Cram & Ethel & brother Jeff, 1971
In February 1971 I was onboard USS Ranger off the coast of Vietnam.  Usually we were out about 30 days and back in port for five days.  But this month our aircraft were called on to provide cover for US and South Vietnamese Soldiers in Laos.  Because of that we were kept out at sea for an exceptionally long time. 

I knew it was my last at sea period before coming home and hoped I would be released earlier enough, and you would be born late enough, that at least I’d be somewhere where I could receive the news by phone.  No such luck.  So while I was involved in “Operation Dewey Canyon II” in the Tonkin Gulf, Mom was going through Operation Julie Ann in Utah Valley Hospital.  Several days later a Red Cross telegram informed me that you had arrived. 

You were a stabilizing influence in our home and a good example to your brothers and sisters especially as we survived the ups and downs of Emily’s life.  You survived all the moves that we made including one final move just before your junior year.  I’m sure that wasn’t easy and we were so grateful for your maturity and support. 

When we found out that you were the family home evening mother and liked your FHE father, Mom and I exchanged knowing smiles.  That reminded us an awful lot of a certain home teacher who married one of the girls he home taught. 

Julie at 2 1/2
I wish you the same experience with your children that we are having with you.  That is that your children grow up to become your best friends.  As I observe you taking time to treat your children as individuals I am very convinced that you will one day have that wonderful experience. 

I’m told that it’s tougher for a woman to turn 40 than a man.  I dunno.  All I know is that I’ve had many, many precious experiences since my 40th birthday and I’m sure you’ll do likewise.  In any event, it sure as heck beats the alternative! 

We love you and are so grateful that Heavenly Father let you come to our family.  Have a wonderful day!

Love, Dad

p.s. We found that Osteo Bi-flex helps with achy joints. 

  1. Julie with her brothers – May 1974
  1. Dance Recital -  May 1976
Photo Shoot - age 9 1/2

High School Sophomore

Girls Camp Summer 1986, Julie 2nd from left

Cross Country Meet Morgantown, WV 1986
Moving into BYU - September 1989

With Roommate Heidi Edwards Dec. '89

Graduation from BYU August 1993
New Parents Erik, Julie & Amanda